Aims & Objective

Government Employees Co-Operative Housing society Limited

10 Feb 2017

The set out aims & objective of this Society are to provide open plots on a very low cost to its members for dwelling where there will be all facilities for them to enjoy the common amenities and services of living. The concept of objective before the society is to help in developing modern community living with all the comforts and amenities of 21st Century at affordable cost to its members.


Government Employees Co-Operative Housing society Limited

10 Feb 2017

The Society land is of great promise, a land with tremendous prospects for the future. The exotic planning of the Society will cater for the environmental requirements making it peaceful, serene and beautiful community living experience with cleaner and greener environment lavishly sprinkled with lush green parks. It would emerge as a first choice residential area for the affluent having quality and uniqueness. This developed sector would be a marvelous for living in future to come. The newly acquired land is being converted through state-of-the-art town planning, unique land development, engineering expertise, provision of civic facilities and modern architectural designing to come up as a new generation of a modern living estate.


Government Employees Co-Operative Housing society Limited

10 Feb 2017

The society land is situated on main Super highway about 35 Kilometer from Sohrab Goath in District Jamshoro with beautiful surrounding very close to other Cooperative Housing Societies and big projects like Defence Phase 9, 10, 11 and 12, City University, Education City, Agha Khan Medical Complex in addition to Malir Development Scheme No.1, Quaid-e-Azam University and other residential projects in its vicinity. This place is specifically of interest to people to have houses out of the day to day increasing population of Karachi and environmental pollution and therefore the area has emerged as the most desired location.
The GECHS provides residential plots of different sizes and central commercial area in every block. It provides all utilities and comforts with its boundaries and has provisions for the following:
Roads, Water Supply System, Electricity, Gas, Sewerage, School, College, Hospital, Dispensaries   Mosques, Security System and boundary Wall.

Application For Membership & Plot

Government Employees Co-Operative Housing society Limited

10 Feb 2017

  • The desirous person is required to fill up prescribed ‘Application Form’ available from the Society or from the nominated District Coordinator and submit the same to the Society office directly or through the coordinator alongwith the following:
  • Filled in membership form with fee of Rs.200/-
  • Copies of CNIC of applicant and nominee both.
  • 4 copies of applicant’s Photos and 3 copies of nominee’s Photos.
  • Copy of service card/proof of being Government employee or copy of pension book in case of a retired Government Servant or his widow.
  • Paid copy of Bank challan/Computer generated Bank receipt.
  • N.B A person applying for membership of the Society should apply for plot simultaneously. Application for mere membership shall not be entertained.

Booking of Plot

Government Employees Co-Operative Housing society Limited

10 Feb 2017

At present there is limited availability at First Come First Serve basis. The booking is going on with rapid pace and we believe that our fellows and colleagues won’t miss a chance to capitalize this opportunity. The plot is offered in three categories viz 120 Sq. Yds, 240 Sq. Yds and 400 Sq. Yds. The cost of plot is payable in 36 easy monthly installments. The cost has been kept economical and fixed on ‘NO LOSS NO PROFIT’ basis as the aim is to benefit the employees acquiring plot in this Society. While applying for plot the applicant/member shall obtain brochure (Cost Rs.300/- cash) and fill the prescribed application for plot in original which is given in the brochure. The form duly completed shall be submitted to the Society office or to the coordinator alongwith the affidavit and other documents as mentioned in (b), (c), (d) and (e) above. He shall simultaneously make initial payment and service charges in any branch of Bank Alfalah according to size of plot given in schedule through prescribed Bank challan.
The paid copy of Bank challan and computer generated receipt issued by the Bank Alfalah should also be attached with the application for plot. The Society will issue formal receipt for each payment when the same is confirmed by the Bank. Monthly installment is payable on or before 10th of each month in a similar manner. All payments shall be made in favour of the “GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES CO-OPERATIVE HOUSING SOCIETY LIMITED, KARACHI.

We welcome you to “GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES CO-OPERATIVE HOUSING SOCIETY LIMITED, KARACHI and will feel pleasure to offer its membership to all Government employees and their relatives and friends residing in sindh. The management of the Society will be highly thankful if our scheme is disseminated among all employees of your organization/departments by circulating copy of this letter together with enclosed location plan for their information.

Should you have any query please do not hesitate to contact us.

Payment Schedule

Government Employees Co-Operative Housing society Limited

10 Feb 2017

Contact Us

Government Employees Co-Operative Housing society Limited

10 Feb 2017

Suit No. 2nd Floor Saleem Avenue 13/B Oppsosite Bait-ul Mukararram Masjis, MainUniversity Road,Gulshan e Iqbal.

Ph: +(92-21) 34972436-37








Falcon City Phase 1 Multan, Pakistan

H Mall Lahore, Pakistan

Pine Valley Pakpattan, Pakistan

Sargodha Road Faisalabad, Pakistan


    18 September, 2016


  • Balcony or Terrace

  • Parking Spaces

  • Waste Disposal

  • Sewerage

  • Electricity

  • Water Supply

  • Sui Gas

  • Community Lawn or Garden

  • Kids Play Area


  • Water Supply
  • Sewarage
  • Mosque
  • School
  • Gas
  • Electricity
  • Park
  • Telephone



Payment Schedule

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CONTACT DETAIL Government Employees Co-Operative Housing society Limited 92213497243637 Suit No. 2nd Floor Saleem Avenue 13/B Oppsosite Bait-ul Mukararram Masjis, MainUniversity Road,Gulshan e Iqbal.